THE PROOFS OF MIND READING part 2 The report to the Society sums up the following results: Three hundred and eighty-two trials were made in the series. In the test of naming the chosen letters of the alphabet, cards, and numbers of two figures, the chances against the girl were 21 to 1, 51 to 1, and 89 to 1, respectively. In the case of stating chosen surnames the odds against her were very much in excess of the figures just named. In the cases of the experiments of naming chosen cards it was calculated that a mere "guesser," according to the law of probability, would be able to correctly name but seven and one-third out of a total of the three hundred and eighty-two trials. The actual results obtained by the child were as follows: On the first attempt, one hundred and twenty-seven; on the second attempt, fifty-six additional; and on the third attempt, nineteen additional making a grand total of two hundred and two successes out of a possible three ...